Corporate Responsibility Management


Ferrovial views corporate responsibility as a voluntary commitment to driving the economic, social and environmental development of the communities in which it operates. The Corporate Responsibility Policy is rooted in the principles of the Global Compact and internationally accepted agreements and resolutions governing CR-related matters. Ferrovial’s Board of Directors is tasked with ensuring adherence to these principles, which the company has voluntarily embraced. The policy is available at


The Corporate Responsibility Committee is the nexus joining the business units and corporate divisions with the senior management. It reports on the results obtained and proposes actions to the Management Committee, while also informing the rest of the company of the approval of proposals and the results reported.

The Communications and CR Director chairs the CR Committee, which comprises representatives from all business units (Toll Roads, Airports, Construction and Services) and corporate divisions (Human Resources, General Secretary’s Office, Occupational Health and Safety, Quality and the Environment, Risks, and Innovation).

This committee is tasked with monitoring the Strategic Corporate Responsibility Plan. The Chairman of the CR Committee reports annually to the Board of Directors.

Its functions can be summarized as follows:

  • Developing, implementing and supervising the company’s CR policies.
  • Defining and monitoring the Strategic Corporate Responsibility Plan.
  • Coordinating reporting processes: Annual Integrated Report and sustainability ratios.
  • Reporting and application of CR legislation.
  • Approving and monitoring projects and sponsorships.
  • Monitoring recommendations following external verification.
  • Advising other departments on matters relating to CR.


In 2016, the Corporate Responsibility Committee defined Plan 20.19, which is valid for the 2017-2019 horizon. A series of qualitative and quantitative annualized indicators were determined for each of the proposed progress actions to take stock of the performance and level of compliance of each of them. The company uses a scorecard to monitor its performance.

Plan 20.19 is based on Ferrovial’s conviction that CR is a strategic function relating to sustainability, competitiveness and reputation for the sake of generating long-term value for all stakeholders and society as a whole. It is also an essential tool for developing the business, building the trust of stakeholders and fulfilling medium- and long-term objectives.

The 20.19 Plan will cement Ferrovial’s position as a leading economic, social and environmental company, consolidating the progress it has made in the field of corporate responsibility. It was designed to make Ferrovial a benchmark in the field, particularly regarding the attainment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with which the company is fully aligned, though mainly in relation to goals 6 (clean water and sanitation), 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure) and 11 (sustainable cities and communities).

The objectives are also aligned with its business objectives, allowing the company to extend them across the Ferrovial value chain, ranging from customers through to suppliers. The 20.19 Plan is structured around six areas, each comprising various courses of action that are broken down in turn into specific, measurable and quantifiable objectives.

These areas are as follows:

  • Ethics and integrity.
  • Corporate governance.
  • People.
  • The environment.
  • Society.
  • Innovation.

In 2018, the following progress was made in relation to each of the areas of action of Plan 20.19:

Area of action Lines of action Highlights for 2018
Ethics and Integrity Continuing to guarantee ethical behavior and ensure respect for human rights.
  • Two new online courses were launched, covering the Code of Ethics and Prohibited Conducts.
  • Ferrovial is a member of the Forética Cluster for Transparency, Good Governance and Integrity, allowing it keep up to date with all the latest trends and developments.
Corporate Governance Integrating corporate responsibility criteria into management and continuing to guarantee transparency while adapting to the latest regulatory developments.
  • The due diligence process for the ethical integrity of suppliers has now been approved and a report given to the Board on the main advances made in CR.
  • A new independent director has joined the Board, replacing a non-executive director.
  • The Annual Corporate Governance Report shows that the company is compliant with most of the recommendations contained in the Good Governance Code of Listed Companies (57 out of 59 that are applicable).
  • A new materiality study has been conducted, showing the results by region.
People Guaranteeing a flexible, safe and healthy work environment, nurturing talent and employability and promoting an inclusive and open culture.
  • The main accident indicators (severity and frequency) continue to fall.
  • Numerous well-being initiatives are under way at all the business units to improve employability mainly through training, while nurturing talent among the new generations.
  • The company continues to champion an inclusive and open culture through specific training activities for recruiters and middle managers, among other actions.
The environment Reducing the carbon footprint, the water footprint, the impact on biodiversity and promoting the circular economy.
  • The carbon footprint continues to decline in relative terms, meeting the proposed objectives.
  • Meanwhile, Ferrovial has developed a tool to incorporate “no net loss” criteria into the company’s activities.
Society Achieving the best quality standards, reinforcing ethical criteria in purchasing activity and systemizing the measurement of social impacts.
  • The company is focusing more on sustainable purchasing at the Construction and Services units by drawing up Catalogs on Green Purchasing and Responsible Purchasing.
  • Two pilot tests have been run for the SROI methodology developed in previous years.
Innovation Promoting entrepreneurship and innovative solutions
  • The company has stepped up its investment in innovation when compared with previous years, thus strengthening the open innovation model.
  • It has launched the fourth edition of Zuritanken to foster a culture of innovation among employees.

By the end of 2019, the company will analyze the degree of compliance with the objectives established for the plan as a whole, and new courses of action will be defined for Plan 20.22, covering the 2020-2022 horizon.

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