
Human capital

Employees are the company’s biggest asset when it comes to value creation. Ferrovial offers every employee a place to grow and build their own career, with unrivalled growth opportunities.

Ferrovial offers its workers the opportunity to work on unique and innovative projects alongside a top-drawer team of professionals, giving all of them the best tools with which to accomplish their objectives.

Training is one of the cornerstones to promote the development of the talent at Ferrovial. In 2018, training hours totalled 857,041, for an average of 9.30 hours per employee. Total investment in training came to 24.25M€.

The SUMMA Corporate University was conceived 11 years ago with the aim of catalyzing learning and global knowledge, sharing experiences and building relationships between company employees. A total of 73,522 training hours were delivered in 2018, while accumulated training hours since the university’s foundation stand at more than 670,000 hours. Key training programs include leadership and strategy, which were completed by 528 executives and middle managers.

Ferrovial prioritizes the mobility of its employees as a means of fostering talent. The company has set up a Global Mobility Portal, which operates as a sort of job board where employees can consult all openings worldwide. A total of 14,728 job opportunities were generated in 2018, attracting more than 33,617 applications. Of these, 23.4% were awarded to existing company employees.

A total of 27,630 employees benefitted from performance assessments and professional development processes in 2018. Meanwhile, the company’s succession plans allowed it to identify 363 possible candidates for the 144 most critical positions identified.


Ferrovial offers its employees remuneration that is flexible, fair and transparent and designed to compensate achievement and personal merit.

In Ferrovial periodic studies are carried out to analyze the gender pay gap. In the case of Spain, following the approval of the Equality Act in 2007, the company has signed the corresponding equality plans with the main trade unions in its sector in which a salary assessment is made, which is then reported in the Equality Commissions broken down into gender and professional categories. In countries such as the United Kingdom and Australia, due to their legislation, this information has been made public since 2018.

The gender pay gap, published in the Appendix to this Report, is mainly explained in terms of the current percentage of women represented in the company, by the type of positions they perform in line with the sectors in which Ferrovial operates, and by the current gender distribution in the different professional categories.

It is important to note that Ferrovial ensures equal opportunities to access to any position based on a criteria of merit and professional performance. It also establishes measures to avoid possible biases that may occur in people management processes, such as reports to the manager indicating the percentage of men / women in the potential processes for identifying talent, salary increases and the evaluation of objectives.

The company fosters an efficient working environment that includes work flexibility and work-life balance safeguards and is compliant with applicable law, customs and practices in each country. In 2018, the company implemented new measures to ensure a healthy work-life balance, such as allowing employees to buy extra days of vacation or increase their paternity leave. Ferrovial is also committed to the health of its employees, promoting initiatives at the job centers to champion sport, healthy habits and eating and good health.

Ferrovial is also a diverse and inclusive company. The Strategic Diversity and Inclusion Plan envisions initiatives to promote an inclusive and non-discriminatory working environment. The plan also targets training, among other courses of action, such as the inclusive leadership course, with over 1,300 leaders trained in Australia and the United Kingdom, and training into bias during recruitment processes, with 50 selection officers receiving training.

Here, the company is adhered to the European Business Leaders’ Commitment to Inclusion and Diversity manifesto of the European Round Table of Industrialists, in support of a European campaign on diversity and equality at companies.

Participation in the survey
Commitment level
Out of all the employees consider Ferrovial a good place to work
  1. Consultation made with biennial character


Relentless technological progress is forcing people and companies alike to rethink their service and infrastructure management models and anticipate future changes. With this in mind, Ferrovial has launched Play the Future, a program that showcases the company’s commitment to innovation, one of its five values, and aims to develop the digital skills and awareness of all employees. This project has three angles: individual scale, manager scale and company-wide scale:

  • Individual scale (bottom-up): the company provides all employees with an online training plan to enable them to raise their knowledge and awareness of matters such as drones, IoT, 3D printing, Big Data, artificial intelligence, user experience and digital skills. The aim here is to increase knowledge of new technologies related to the company’s businesses, thus allowing employees to become more tech-savvy and efficient when using these tools.
  • Manager scale (top-down): when tackling the manager scale, the company has asked the SUMMA corporate university to organize a cycle of conferences aimed at executives and other key office holders to explore trends that could impact the company. So far, these conferences —known as Executive Forums— have been held in Madrid, London and Austin.


Ferrovial currently has 29 specific programs in place —lasting between three months and three years— to attract young talent. Thanks to these initiatives, the company opened its doors to some 1,000 young workers in 2018, including graduates, mainly in North America, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Poland. Total investment on these programs came to EUR6.6 M.

When it comes to promoting and seeking out young talent, a particular highlight in the period included the launch of a recruitment robot in Poland, known as Emplobot. This bot cross-references job offers with candidate profiles, allowing it to pre-select suitable candidates and automatically invite them to attend a personal interview. To date, the initiative has yielded 1,003 conversations, 1,730 matches and 199 interviews.

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